This is an easy one this week.
Having looked at who Jesus is, we can now examine what it is that Jesus does. This is an easy one, because as Christians living in the light of the mercy of God we know what Jesus does: Short answer for the work of Jesus is found in John 3:16 – 17 & in Luke 19:10: salvation. Jesus took on flesh in order to deliver sinners from the due punishment do them.
Now, Jesus did not just wake up one day and decide this would be His life’s mission. Jesus was sent by God (John 10:36 & Romans 8:3) and this was the plan from the beginning of creation (Ephesians 1:3 – 6 & Revelation 13:8). Jesus knew before humanity was placed into the Garden that sin would enter and death would be sins’ penalty. Jesus knew what must happen to redeem those sinners (Isaiah 53, Mark 8:31, Matthew 17:12) and willingly took our place (Romans 5:8, John 15:13, 17:19 & John 1:29).
Because of His willingness and effectiveness; Jesus is the high priest of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9 & 10), who has reconciled sinful people to God (Matthew 5:23 – 24, Romans 11:15).
So what?!?? You said this stuff was going to be important to my life!!!!!
Other than reconciling you to God and removing your sin, what more practical application could you want? In all seriousness though, the practical point is this: what is needed for goodness to thrive in humanity? The answer; salvation in Christ, delivering people from their sin, giving them clean hearts, setting them to the task of working in God’s Kingdom. How does that get accomplished? The answer; preaching the message of Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 1). Do you want the world to be a better place; preach Christ. Do you want politicians to enact Godly laws; preach Christ. Do you want a world in which God is glorified and His ways are practiced; preach Christ. The cure for society is found in curing people; and the cure for people is the work of Christ.