Good morning and welcome to a space that I hope will be a blessing to you. The goal of this posting every Tuesday will be to assemble some resources that you can access throughout the week that will be a blessing, encouragement, conviction, or help to you.
What I will do is assemble a list of resources: newspaper articles, blog entries, journal articles, book recommendations, etc. and post them here for your perusal in the hopes that you will read them and utilize them in your Christian walk.
Do not let this space turn into a burden to you. Let it be a helper in your life. If you do not think a particular resource is helpful to you, then do not use it or read it. You are in charge of you and must make decisions about your time and resources. However, if you think something listed might be a benefit to you then check it out.
I promise I will not post anything I have not read and reviewed. Therefore if you have any questions, comments, or want to discuss something you have read; I am ready and willing to do so.
For starters I have a link for something fun; Lutheran Satire, great teaching with some dry humor thrown in. I highly recommend Donall & Conall and Horus Ruins Christmas