Resources (Page 4)

Back to the realm of parenting. Just because they are grown or nearly-grown does not mean our children are something other than, our children. Here we are given some tips for big(ger) kids. And beyond that, how do we get our kids to own their faith, this post gives usContinue Reading

As Christians we are called to walk in the truth, so how do I know what is false? Tim Challies gives us 5 Tests for false doctrine to help preserve our Biblical knowledge. And the Logos blog gives us a look at the False Friends of the King James Bible,Continue Reading

From the realm of apologetics (defending the faith), we get this article dealing with the idea of assisted suicide. Here defenses of the practice are given, and answers for the defender of life are provided. This is the next area of push against the dignity and sanctity of life asContinue Reading

Tim Challies (a prolific writer and blogger) lays out some helpful guidelines on how to pray with our children.     Thom Rainer is back with a list of actual things that have happened during pastoral hospital visits.     The Cripplegate (an actual thing) lays out aContinue Reading

Thom Rainer outlines some issues churches are facing in the new world of terrorism.     Actual things, actual people, have said to actual pastors.     John MacArthur on what is necessary for the Gospel to be the Gospel.    Continue Reading

Seminary professor Chuck Lawless gives a good reminder of why the Body of Christ is necessary. We cannot rely on 1 person (no matter how awesome I may be) to do everything. The Babylon Bee is a satire website (the content is made up and not real). Remember thatContinue Reading

Lifeway runs a blog that has lots of pastor helps and different suggestions; but this one isn’t just for pastors. This post has some practical things to help get you out of a rut and praying in ways that will edify and bless your soul.     The BabylonContinue Reading

Here is an article that should be encouraging and helpful. How do I read the Bible to my kids?   Thom Rainer (Lifeway), occasionally lets loose with some of the more entertaining (pathetic?) things people admit to him. This is one of those posts.   What is lust?Continue Reading