Blog (Page 7)

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This is not meant to be a beating, but rather a tool to give you some help in reading and understanding God’s word. If you miss a day, and can “catch up: by doubling up, then sweet. If you can’t read on certain days, adjust the schedule to fit yourContinue Reading

With our doctrinal understandings secure, we can now do the fun part of theology; apply it.  This space will hopefully become an area where issues of the day can be dealt with; Biblically.  We’ll start with an idea that is working its way into many avenues of life including majorContinue Reading

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat” background_size=”initial”] The battle over evolution is never-ending. The secularists will always continue to fight to undermine a Biblical view of the world and science. Our task is to at least call them to consistent understanding of how things work. ThatContinue Reading

This is not meant to be a beating, but rather a tool to give you some help in reading and understanding God’s word. If you miss a day, and can “catch up: by doubling up, then sweet. If you can’t read on certain days, adjust the schedule to fit yourContinue Reading

Now comes the really fun one; Eschatology, or the study of the end times. What we will not do in this post is give a thorough detailed accounting of each of the end times positions as there are literally libraries devoted to the subject. What we will do is giveContinue Reading

There are always a few attempts here and there to diminish the Biblical understanding of hell. The reasoning goes: if there is no hell, there is no judgment, if there is no judgment, then there is no reason to preach the exclusivity of Christ; or something like that. Regardless, thisContinue Reading

This is not meant to be a beating, but rather a tool to give you some help in reading and understanding God’s word. If you miss a day, and can “catch up: by doubling up, then sweet. If you can’t read on certain days, adjust the schedule to fit yourContinue Reading

So now we get to answer a favorite question of the atheist.  If the Bible is so clear, how come there are a bazillion Christian denominations?  First off, there are not.  Second; because God is good, gracious, and merciful.  Third; because well-meaning, brothers in Christ can disagree without undermining theContinue Reading

One of the ways the secularists attempt to undermine Biblical values and teaching is to try to undermine Biblical history. If the history of the Bible can be chopped down, then the teaching is sure to follow. This article from Answers in Genesis helps give a better understanding of theContinue Reading

This is not meant to be a beating, but rather a tool to give you some help in reading and understanding God’s word. If you miss a day, and can “catch up: by doubling up, then sweet. If you can’t read on certain days, adjust the schedule to fit yourContinue Reading