Blog (Page 11)

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Rather than attempt to script out a draft for the website, here are the notes I preach from.  While they in and of themselves are not the entirety of what we do on a Sunday morning; they will keep you up to speed if you missed, or help you reviewContinue Reading

Now that we know from where we get our information to do Theology, we can begin the process of putting together a clear understanding of the Biblical revelation. So in our march through practical theology we begin at the top; with God. Now for starters, we cannot ascend to heavenContinue Reading

Cripplegate is a blog run by pastors who are all graduates of Master’s Seminary (John MacArthur’s school) from literally around the globe in an effort to address theological needs in an appropriate way. This is a post that helps sum up what it means to name the name of ChristContinue Reading

This is not meant to be a beating, but rather a tool to give you some help in reading and understanding God’s word. If you miss a day, and can “catch up: by doubling up, then sweet. If you can’t read on certain days, adjust the schedule to fit yourContinue Reading

Most every systematic theology starts out, not with the doctrine of God (Theology Proper), or of Christ (Christology), or of salvation (Soteriology); but with the way that we know all of these things are true: Bibliology—the doctrine of the Bible. The reason for this is an understanding of revelation, notContinue Reading

Lifeway runs a blog that has lots of pastor helps and different suggestions; but this one isn’t just for pastors. This post has some practical things to help get you out of a rut and praying in ways that will edify and bless your soul. The Babylon Bee isContinue Reading

This is not meant to be a beating, but rather a tool to give you some help in reading and understanding God’s word. If you miss a day, and can “catch up; by doubling up, then sweet. If you can’t read on certain days, adjust the schedule to fit yourContinue Reading

Introduction We have seen what the Law does, and what the Law can never do over the last 3 sermons on Galatians. Now that we have that view in mind; and can see the entire scope of redemptive history from the curse to the law to the satisfaction of thoseContinue Reading

The goal of this space each week is going to be twofold: 1. to teach a little Theology in a rapid fire kind of way and 2. and more importantly to make theology practical. God has revealed Himself to us so that we will know Him; that means that theologyContinue Reading

Good morning and welcome to a space that I hope will be a blessing to you. The goal of this posting every Tuesday will be to assemble some resources that you can access throughout the week that will be a blessing, encouragement, conviction, or help to you. What I will doContinue Reading